The 2021 CommunityTAB Winter Family Fun Day will be held at our HorsePower Collie centre on Friday 9th July. There will be lots of activities for both riders and carriage drivers and a full Winter Warmers Canteen. The day is a great opportunity for all riders and drivers from across the state to come together and participate in friendly competition.
Stalls * Face painting * Sausage Sizzle * Fairy Floss Take a walk with Lilly the pony

Riding activities
* Western Bending (Scheduled in Indoor Arena)
* Barrel Race (Scheduled in Indoor Arena)
* Flag Race (Scheduled in Indoor Arena)
* Key hole (Scheduled in Indoor Arena)
* Pole Course
* Bush Orienteering
* Witches Trail - Prize for best decorated witches broom
Carriage Driving activities
* Racquet Ball
* Sueaky Toy Lane
* Bush Drive

Fancy Dress - Mounted, Carriage and Un-mounted. Aged 12 and under and 13 and over.
HorsePower Members $15 per person
Includes: showbag, sausage sizzle & soft drink, face painting and fairy floss voucher
Register by 2nd July 2021 at