Our equine assisted programs can be purchased using your National Disability Insurance Scheme funding if you are self managed or privately for a fee.
HorsePower Australia are a contracted service provider for the WA State Government's Department of Communities - Disability Services. The following payment options are available for HorsePower Australia programs including:
Self-Funded Private Services - participants and/or their families cover the costs of programs using their own funds
Through a NDIS package - As HorsePower Australia is NOT a Registered NDIS provider only those whose plans are self managed or plan managed (registered plan manager) can use their funding for our programs.
Through a local community sponsorship - some participants seek sponsorship of their involvement in HorsePower Australia programs from local community service groups or companies e.g. Rotary, Lions, Variety or Therapy Focus.
KidSport - West Australian children aged 5 - 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Care are eligible to apply for KidSport which enables children to participate in community support by offering them financial assistance of up to $150 per calendar year towards club fees, for more information visit kidsport.dlgsc.wa.gov.au.
Participating in sport and active recreation programs has many benefits. Having an active lifestyle has a lot of physical health benefits. Improved balance, muscle strength, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol can all stem from regular exercise. However there are not just physical benefits from participating in local community sport and recreation programs, there are the social and mental health benefits too. Several studies have proven that exercise, fresh air and spending time with animals are all effective ways that you can boost your mental health and reduce stress; and being part of a local sport and recreation club is also a fantastic way to build your social network in a fun, friendly and supportive environment.
From 1 July 2017 the NDIS began rolling out in Western Australia. The first step in seeking funding from NDIS is to be tested for eligibility. If eligible for the NDIS, participants then meet with a local area coordinator / planner to develop a plan for the services and supports they need to live the life they want. Funding is then allocated on an annual basis to purchase the services, aids and equipment that you have been assessed as needing; from the service provider(s) of your choice.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – the agency established to administer the NDIS – can manage your funding for you, or you can choose to engage a plan manager, an independent agency to manage your plan on your behalf or if approved by the NDIA you may be able to self-manage your own funds.
HorsePower Australia is NOT a registered service provider with NDIS therefore we can only provide services to those who self manage or plan manage their plans.
Historically, the cost of HorsePower Australia's programs have been heavily subsidised through WA Government block funding, greatly reducing participant fees. While the cost of providing our programs remains the same, these costs now need to be funded from individual’s funding, this is why we align our pricing to the most up-to-date NDIS price guide. Our Price Promise is to never charge an individual more than the NDIS price guide. The NDIS price guide is reviewed regularly and sets prices that reflect wage inflation and market trends to ensure the NDIS and service providers such as HorsePower Australia remain sustainable.

The support funding you will receive from the NDIS, are driven by your goals. Generally these are short, medium and long term. It is important to keep these goals quite broad – so you have greater flexibility in how you achieve your goal and you can seek to identify various elements of support required to meet that goal. For example, rather than have a limited goal "to go horse riding" – you will want to talk to your planner about including funding for you or your child "To access community, social and recreational activities of his/her/your choosing to make new friends and participate in his/her/my community." this goal fits with community participation and can be achieved by participating in HorsePower Australia programs as well as others within the community.
HorsePower Australia are a contracted provider for the WA State Government’s Department of Communities, Disability Services and deliver programs under this funding.
Please note that people accessing state-funded disability services are currently transitioning to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Programs are available to you if you are ineligible to receive government funding and wish to purchase services through Rocky Bay for an out-of-pocket fee.
Fee-for-service is also available if you are eligible for government funding and you want to purchase additional services.