HorsePower Australia (HorsePower) is a community based charitable organisation servicing individuals with diversabilities across the state of Western Australia.
There is an opportunity for everyone at HorsePower, whether it is a child diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome; a young teen struggling with emotional stress or from the effects of abuse; an adult recovering from a stroke or decreased muscle tone. HorsePower helps to build and focus on individuals' abilities, rather than disabilities by providing high-quality equine assisted programs adapted to their neds.
Established in 1972 HorsePower Australia has helped individuals recognise the potential in their lives. Participants improve fitness level and mobility through programs designed to increase their core strength, muscle control and balance. Working closely with horses and volunteers encourages responsible and caring attitudes, improved self-esteem, communication skills, leadership and trust. It also helps to provide both participants and their families with a sense of community and belonging.
HorsePower Australia programs are diverse and include opportunities to develop new skills and discover new abilities that lead to an enriched quality of life while overcoming physical, mental, and emotional obstacles.
All HorsePower Australia affiliated centres are incorporated associations with independent management. HorsePower Australia is the peak sporting body in Western Australia providing standards, training, accreditation and support.
Our centres are primarily run by volunteers with some employing paid staff. Positions vary according to the operational needs and available resources of each centre.
HorsePower relies on the kindness of others to provide our service to those in need within our community. Medical professionals are increasingly recognising that there are significant physical and mental health benefits to being involved with horses and being active within your community. Locate a HorsePower centre near you today and become part of something special.
We commenced providing services to people in Western Australia in 1972 at the Hunt Club in Morley, prior to becoming incorporated as Riding for the Disabled Association of Western Australia Inc. (RDAWA) in 1977 with the objective of providing horse riding to people with disabilities and special needs. In 2018 the Membership Council of RDAWA made the decision to disaffiliate with Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia (RDAA) and to rebrand and trade under a new name 'HorsePower Australia'.
Five of the then member centres made the decision not to continue on this journey with us and became independent centres in Western Australia individually affiliating directly with RDAA. The remaining 13 centres continue to provide services within the state as HorsePower Australia, providing a range of equine-assisted therapeutic, educational, recreational and sporting activities aimed at empowering people with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges - diversabilities to develop new skills, discover new abilities and define the life they want to live.

To empower people living with diversabilities
to develop new skills, discover new abilities
and define the life they want to live.
Please note our team is volunteer based, please refer all enquiries to and a volunteer will answer your query as soon as possible.
Willie Warnock
Jo Williams
Vice President
Jo-Anne Needham
Hon. Secretary
Jo Longman
Joan Cureton
Individual Member